Getting Started with Newfoma Konekt APIs
This page will help you get started with Newfoma Konekt APIs. You'll be up and running in a jiffy! You're on your way to building an awesome Integration! Here's some of the things you'll want to check out.
📝 Newfoma Konekt REST API
The Newfoma Konekt REST API allows developers to find, create or edit Newfoma Konekt data. It gives access to all major functions provided in the web interface. The two main use cases are extracting information and connecting Power BI, but the possibilities are endless.
Our own add-ins use the Newfoma Konekt API, meaning everything it is fully tested. Several integrations such as Cintoo also use it to synchronize issues.
Here is the documentation about our REST API
🤔 Choosing the right access method
As a hub owner, If you need to query a specific hub you can simply use a generated API access token from your hub settings page. Please note that this token can only be generated once which offers limited use if you have multiple requests from different users. If you need more control over your requests you can use OAuth 2.0 described below.
🔒 Generate a hub-specific API Access token
To use the Newfoma Konekt REST API you must have an API access token. A hub owner can generate an API access token per hub. This is an easy method as Newfoma Konekt lets you automatically generate this token from the hub settings page.
Here is some documentation that will guide you step by step to generate your API Access Token
Once this is done, check out this recipe for querying the API using that hub-specific token!
🔐 Using OAuth 2.0
Working with the Newfoma Konekt API or BCF REST APIs, your application will access endpoints on behalf of a Newfoma Konekt user. The users will need to authenticate with Newfoma Konekt in order to confirm their identity and give your application permission to access data and perform actions on their behalf.
Newfoma Konekt uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol to give third-party applications access to the data. OAuth 2.0 is an open standard for access delegation, commonly used as a way for Internet users to grant websites or applications access to their information on other websites but without giving them the passwords. This mechanism is used by companies to permit users to share information about their accounts with third-party applications or websites.
Here's the link to the fully detailed OAuth2.0 documentation :
Using OAuth 2.0
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We now have a discussion section. Ask your questions and it will be a pleasure to help you!
We're excited you're here! 💙
Newfoma Konekt REST API
Generate an API Access Token
Get the ID of a Hub
BCF Server
Using OAuth 2.0
Updated 12 months ago